Reaction Injection Moulding – DPCD

The technical thermoset plastic for large projects: Durable, cost-effective, and controllable.

Key Benefits

High Strength-to-Weight Ratio: Achieve sturdy products without compromising on weight.
Design freedom: Controllable thickness throughout the parts.
Efficient Production: Fast moulding process enables larger production runs.
Simplify handling: Possibility to in-mould fasteners, bolts and bushings.
Environmentally responsible: Low carbon footprint and recycling possibilities.

What this solution offers

SP Group are experts in the field of advanced plastic manufacturing, our focus on Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM) and DCPD is a clear testament to this. Sometimes referred to as plastic steel, DCPD is a material with high impact resistance and strength yet possible to form into complex shapes. SP Group offers outstanding performance in medium to big size parts with our moulded DCPD parts.

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How does it work?

Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) is a specialized plastic molding process that involves the combination of two liquid components, which react and solidify in a mold, allowing for complex shapes that may be difficult or impossible with other molding techniques. Unlike traditional injection molding, RIM uses low viscosity liquid components that are mixed and then injected with low pressure into a mold. This process allows for the production of complex and detailed plastic parts with high strength and durability. RIM offers advantages such as shorter curing times, moderate tooling cost, and the ability to have different material thickness throughout the part as well as the possibility to mold in inserts and bushings.

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