Financial Goals

Going towards 2024

Based on the results realised in the period 2010-2015, we drafted our 2020 ambition, which was revenue of approx. DKK 2 billion and an EBITDA margin in the range of 14-15% in 2020. Profit before tax should reach 8-10% of revenue up from the 6.1% realised in 2015.

With the results in 2018 (revenue of DKK 2.0 billion, an EBITDA margin of 14.5% and profit before tax of 10.2% of revenue), we met our 2020 goals as soon as in 2018. Therefore, we launched our 2022 ambition. The low growth rates in 2018 and 2019 and the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 have delayed the realisation of our ambitions. We assess that we will be delayed by 2 years and therefore renamed our 2022 ambitions to 2024 ambitions, primarily attributable to the coronavirus outbreak.

Up to 2024, it is our ambition to generate revenue in the range of DKK 3.3-4.0 billion in 2024 through continued customer focus and organic growth combined with acquisitions ("buy and build" strategy, preferably companies with own products and trademarks). To attain this, we need to achieve annual growth (CAGR of 12-22% p.a.) in the period 2023-2024. In the period 2010-2022, growth accounted for 10% p.a. (CAGR), and in the period 2014-2017, growth accounted for 16% p.a. (CAGR).

Organic growth has been somewhat constant at 6-7% p.a. from 2010 to 2017. We believe that we can achieve similar growth rates in the future provided that our markets are well-working and there are no pandemics, trade wars or wars.

By increasing the share of own products in total sales from the current 26.5% to 28-30% in 2024, continuing the internationalisation and increasing efficiency further as well as by making massive investments in new technologies and people, it is our ambition to improve the EBITDA margin to 17-20% by 2024 (or more if we do not make large acquisitions) and increase profit before tax to 10-12% of revenue, as the share of own products and advanced solutions is expected to increase more relative to the rest of revenue.

In respect of subsupplier tasks, the goal is still to generate profit before tax corresponding to 5% of revenue.

It is therefore our ambition to increase profit before tax to approx. DKK 400 million by 2024 (12% of DKK 3.3 billion or 10% of DKK 4.0 billion as high growth in connection with acquisitions is expected to reduce the margin). This will imply that EBT increases by 22% p.a. in 2023-2024. In the period 2010-2022, EBT increased by 20% on average (CAGR).

This assumes that the markets we operate in are generally well-working and that acquisition opportunities at fair prices are available.

It is Management's goal to realise a ratio of net interest-bearing debt to EBITDA of 2-3.5 and to maintain this level as long as the interest rate level is low. This goal leaves room for increased expansion of activities compared to current plans up to 2024. SP Group will continue to reduce its net interest-bearing debt by strengthening cash flows from operating activities and by selling non-value-creating assets in order to release capital.

The equity ratio (including non-controlling interests' share of equity) will be maintained at 25-45%. Should the equity ratio decrease due to a higher level of activity, the Company will consider asking the shareholders for additional capital. If, on the other hand, the equity ratio increases, any excess capital is expected to be transferred back to the shareholders.

SP Group aims at providing its shareholders with a fair return through increases in the share price. It is the ambition that earnings per share (EPS) should increase by an average of 20% annually over a five-year period. In 2022, the EPS increased by 6.4%. In the period 2010–2022, EPS increased by 19.5% on average (CAGR).

In recent years, dividends distributed totalled 15-20% of the profit after tax. Every year before the annual general meeting, Management assesses whether the level is adequate. The proposed dividend for 2022 corresponds to 17.6% of profit after tax.